The effects of a movement intervention on motor performance of preschool aged children

Giagazoglou, P1, Papadaniil, M1, Dampa, A1, Fotiadou, E1

1 School of  Physical  Education  and  Sport  Sciences, Aristotle  University  of  Thessaloniki,  Greece


The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of a 12-week, daily movement intervention program on the motor and balance performance of preschool aged children. Sixty four healthy preschool aged children were equally divided and assigned either to an intervention or a control group. The motor performance of the children was tested using the two motor scales of the Griffiths Test No II. Balance performance measurements were assessed using two tasks (Double-Leg Stance and One-Leg Stance), performed while standing on an Electronic Pressure Platform (EPS) pre- and postmovement program. It was found from the results that the intervention program resulted in significant improvements in the performance of all motor and balance tests of the intervention group comparing to the control group (p<.05). In conclusion, the findings of the present study indicate the significance of a movement program in improving motor performance in preschoolers.


Training, motor development, posture, static balance control, physical education


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