Volume 12 – 2020

Self-perception of children participating in different organized physical activity programs


The aim of this study was to investigate potential self-perception differences in children who participate in different organized PA programs. For that purpose, the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children (PSPCSA) was administered to 191 children (87 boys; 104 girls), aged 5 – 9 years (Μ= 7.1, SD= 0.7). Moreover, participants’ anthropometric and demographic data were also gathered. For data analysis, children were classified into three PA groups, according to the PA program they were participating in: (a) team sports, (b) individual sports, and (c) dance. (M)ANCOVA procedures were computed on participants’ scores to examine potential differences among PA groups and genders, using age and BMI as covariates. The results revealed that the participants presented high PSPCSA scores, irrespectively of their gender and PA program they participated in. Children’s participation in PA seems to associate with high positive selfperception scores. Organized PA clubs and children’s coaches should be informed about the important relationship between PA and self- perception in order for this “window of opportunity” of young children’s high positive self-perception level to be optimally exploit for their health’s benefit.

Self-perception of children participating in different organized physical activity programs Read More »

Development and Validation of a new questionnaire assessing the bio-psychosocial needs of patients with chronic neck pain. The Bio-psychosocial Neck Pain Questionnaire (BNPQ-30).


Bio-psychosocial factors are associated with increased risk of disabling chronic neck pain. The aim of this study was the development of a valid tool, in the form of a questionnaire, for the identification of patient’s biopsychosocial needs suffering from CNP. This study included a combination of a qualitative phenomenological approach with a quantitative pretest posttest-control group study design. The questionnaire contained 30 items thus comprising the Bio-psychosocial Neck Pain Questionnaire (BNPQ-30). The content validity of the questionnaire and the structural validity was calculated with the use of exploratory (n=150) and confirmatory (n=300) factor analysis. Results based on Batlett [χ2(435) = 5486,54, p < 0,001]. The values KMO = 0,77 were characterized as satisfactory. Internal consistency of the variables was assessed using Cronbach α. Values above 0.7 were considered satisfactory. Guttmann and Spearman-Brown values were > 0,7. S-Bχ2 = 1275,50, df = 382, p < 0,001, RCFI = 0,91, TLI = 0,90, SRMR = 0,081, RMSEA = 0,088, RMSEA 90% CI = 0,083 – 0,094. Additionally, the value AVE> 0,50. The Bio-psychosocial Neck Pain Questionnaire (BNPQ-30) was developed to assist healthcare professionals dealing with patients with CNP.

Development and Validation of a new questionnaire assessing the bio-psychosocial needs of patients with chronic neck pain. The Bio-psychosocial Neck Pain Questionnaire (BNPQ-30). Read More »

Psychomotricity: Effects of psychomotor interventions from the perspective of teachers.


This article presents excerpts from the results of an online survey of more than 200 teachers whose pupils have used psychomotor intervention. The teachers surveyed expressed a high level of confidence with support by psychomotor therapists: they believe, to very high percentages, that psychomotricity is successful. In general, they rate the therapy that takes place in the dedicated therapy room of the psychomotor therapist as more successful than the preventive or integrative work he or she supplies in the classroom. This leads to questions from the viewpoint of inclusion.

Psychomotricity: Effects of psychomotor interventions from the perspective of teachers. Read More »

Comparison of spatiotemporal parameters between simple and dual task gait in dementia


The present study determines the changes in the spatial and temporal parameters of gait, in patients with dementia, under four conditions, the simple gait, the gait under a simple and complex kinetic goal and the gait under the influence of a cognitive target. 17 participants, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia disease, (MMSE score:16-23/30) were evaluated and underwent gait analysis through a system of biomechanical analysis and a variance analysis for repeated measurements was applied for the statistical analysis. The results of gait analysis, showed that the gait speed as well as the frequency of the gait, showed significantly lower values when gait was performed under dual cognitive task, than in the other three conditions. On the other hand, stride length as well as step length, remained unaffected by the type of gait task. During dual cognitive task gait: pitch duration, duration of single and double leg support, were increased. The speed of walking and the frequency of walking, of dementia patients showed significantly lower values during walking with a double cognitive target relative to the other three conditions.

Comparison of spatiotemporal parameters between simple and dual task gait in dementia Read More »

Effectiveness of Graphomotricity as adjuvant for fine motor skills rehabilitation in traumatic radial nerve temporary disruptions due to trauma.


Introduction: Radial nerve injury, often caused by humeral fractures, can disrupt mobility and functionality of the arm. Physiotherapy focused on function recovery are an essential component of radial nerve injury treatment. Graphomotricity has the purpose of educating and proofreading achievement of motor-perceptive processes which allow a better upper limb and fine motion domain. The present study aimed determine the efficacy of graphomotricity as a physiotherapy adjuvant for fine motor skill recovery after traumatic reversible nerve injuries. Material and methods: A non-randomized clinic essay was administered to twelve distal humeral fracture and radial nerve damage patients. Patients under 18 years old, with axonotmesis electromyographic data, or complete nerve injury were eliminated. Each patient completed 15 physical therapy sessions consisting of conventional treatment and fine motor skill stimulation with graphomotricity exercises. Results: After physical therapy and graphomotricity sessions, there was a significant (p<0.001) increase in average range of motion and strength. Additionally, there was a significant (p<0.001) decrease in average DASH scores. Conclusion: The present study suggests graphomotricity may be a valuable addition to conventional physical therapy for fine motor skill recovery in patients with traumatic radial nerve partial injury

Effectiveness of Graphomotricity as adjuvant for fine motor skills rehabilitation in traumatic radial nerve temporary disruptions due to trauma. Read More »

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