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Thank you for agreeing to review a manuscript for the EPJ, helping in that way it to guarantee the highest possible quality of the publication. Taking into consideration the important role of reviewers in the scientific process, we would like to cite some significant issues concerning the reviewing process.
A) Before starting the review
B) Conducting the review
The articles that will be accepted for publication should be sufficiently novel and interesting for EPJ readers. You can check it by searching the literature using relevant key-words.
**You can use the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Ed.) as your guide
**If you are not comfortable with statistics, please let the editor know when you send your review
.3. Paper’s writing clarity and language
The writing should allow a precise, brief and accurate presentation of the study, avoiding redundancy. In the case you notice grammatical errors in the text you do not have to correct them. Nevertheless, bring it to the editor’s attention. Moreover, check the length of the manuscript that should not be longer than 25 pages. If it is over the page limit, please make suggestions for careful reduction, so as significant information not to be lost.
C) Writing and returning your comments
D) Reviewing a manuscript for a second or third time
All articles published in EPJ is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND license.
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