Barriers and Inhibitors of Creativity in Physical Education

Konstantinidou, E.1, Zisi, V.2, Katsarou, D.2, Michalopoulou, M.1
1 School of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
2 School of Physical Education & Sport Science, University of Thessaly, Greece


The promotion of creativity should be an integral part of all educational levels as it is considered a crucial challenge and a necessity for social and economic competitiveness. The present study tried to shed light on the inhibitors and barriers of creativity fostering school Physical Education settings. A qualitative approach was employed in order to record Physical Educators perceptions about the barriers and the inhibitors they sense in their efforts to promote creativity in class. Exploration with a Thematic Content Analysis revealed a total of 11 major barriers which were encompassed in four theme categories. Natural and educational environment and resources, as well as Physical Educators and students’ personality and qualifications were surfaced. Fruitful discussion was trying to provide a substantial assistance toward educational policy and practical implications.


creativity, physical educators, barriers, inhibitors, teachers, implicit theories, perceptions, obstacles.

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