
The biopsychosocial treatment approach for chronic neck and back pain: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.


Purpose of the present study was to determine whether biopsychosocial therapy is more effective than reference treatments for chronic back and neck pain. Literature searches were conducted according to the research strategy recommended by the Editorial Board of the Cochrane Back review Group, using MEDLINE-Biomed, EMBASE-Elsevier.7% of the 276 quality assessment were scored unclear. 21 studies (91%) had six or more positive scores which was the preset threshold for high quality. There is strong evidence that cognitive behavioral treatment of patients with CBNP has a positive effect on pain intensity, generic functional status and behavioral outcomes, when compared with booklets of healthy information, standardized exercise programs, active management, best practice advice and standardized active physical treatment.

The biopsychosocial treatment approach for chronic neck and back pain: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Read More »

Development and Validation of a new questionnaire assessing the bio-psychosocial needs of patients with chronic neck pain. The Bio-psychosocial Neck Pain Questionnaire (BNPQ-30).


Bio-psychosocial factors are associated with increased risk of disabling chronic neck pain. The aim of this study was the development of a valid tool, in the form of a questionnaire, for the identification of patient’s biopsychosocial needs suffering from CNP. This study included a combination of a qualitative phenomenological approach with a quantitative pretest posttest-control group study design. The questionnaire contained 30 items thus comprising the Bio-psychosocial Neck Pain Questionnaire (BNPQ-30). The content validity of the questionnaire and the structural validity was calculated with the use of exploratory (n=150) and confirmatory (n=300) factor analysis. Results based on Batlett [χ2(435) = 5486,54, p < 0,001]. The values KMO = 0,77 were characterized as satisfactory. Internal consistency of the variables was assessed using Cronbach α. Values above 0.7 were considered satisfactory. Guttmann and Spearman-Brown values were > 0,7. S-Bχ2 = 1275,50, df = 382, p < 0,001, RCFI = 0,91, TLI = 0,90, SRMR = 0,081, RMSEA = 0,088, RMSEA 90% CI = 0,083 – 0,094. Additionally, the value AVE> 0,50. The Bio-psychosocial Neck Pain Questionnaire (BNPQ-30) was developed to assist healthcare professionals dealing with patients with CNP.

Development and Validation of a new questionnaire assessing the bio-psychosocial needs of patients with chronic neck pain. The Bio-psychosocial Neck Pain Questionnaire (BNPQ-30). Read More »

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